Re: [Gimp-user] Questions about gimp compairing gimp to PS

On 12/12/2012 08:39 PM, devvv wrote:

#2: are gimp's tool's brushes filters and ect.. are they as good as
photoshop. do they give the same quality output that PS does?
the brushes are great, there are hundreds of them available in the web to
enhance GIMP. they give you the same quality output. GIMPs brushes "engine" is
getting more awesome with every release.
Also note that you can scale brush sizes on the fly with the mouse
wheel - if you enable that function in the Preferences menus.  I
think this is a really important function.  Picture worth thousand

IMO this key binding should be a default.

I also like to do "create new" in the Brushes dialog box, to open a
brush editor window that I can drag and drop into a dock.  I save a
generic default brush with the name "000" to assure it is always
first in the brushes menu.  With the brush editor tab docked, it is
possible to quickly adjust the shape, aspect ratio, and hardness of
the "000" brush.  I often find this more convenient than repeatedly
switching between multiple brushes.  You can also make your own
custom brushes, any shape, color, etc., in the GIMP.

With the upcoming version 3.0, the GIMP will have a new, much higher
resolution color model.  This will close the last remaining
performance gap between GIMP and Photoshop that I see in the kind of
work I do.



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