Re: [Gimp-user] Short cut [ and ]

On 02/18/2012 08:29 AM, TheoN wrote:
Dear developers,
There is short cut missing in the new version 6.2.12
In version 2.6.11 you can change the scale of brushes by using ] to enlarge or [ decrease the size of the 
It would be nice if this came back in the next version therefore I turn back to version 6.2.11.
It's a very handy tool.
However I look forward to the new version 2.8 the developers did a very good job.
The link impressed me for the new 
Hey Theo,

I don't know if this is relevant to your use case, but one of my
favorite "should be a default" features is the ability to use the
normally unassigned alt + mouse wheel combination to scale brushes. 
Since [ and ] are usually right-handed gestures, most users will
like not having to let go of their mouse to change their brush
size.  Configuration, illustrated:



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