Re: [Gimp-user] Wacom pens with rotation supported ?

2012/5/15 Dominik Tabisz <d kupka1 gmail com>:
Olivier could you pleas tell whether You use this in GNU/Linux or other OS?
I'm using GNU/Linux, Ubuntu distribution. 11.04 until very recently,
and 12.04 for installing the official 2.8 version. I'm not using
Unity, but Gnome.

I'm considering new tablet, that supports pen rotation but big problem
is to find something that's both affordable and works with GNU/Linux
Wacom tablets and pens are rather expensive, but reliable and
performant, and well supported within GNU/Linux. In Ubuntu,
Applications -> System Tools -> System Settings has a "Wacom Graphics
Tablet" section.

Olivier Lecarme

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