Re: [Gimp-user] edit text content and properties

Hello Alexandre

Thanks for fast response.

Sounds logical. Highlighting in place seemed not to work, so I
"use editor", changed px to pt, found NO CHANGE. Also tried editor
with "use selected font", no change. Have previously found GIMP to
reject my mods, including size/ppi.
Is something "protected"?

Also, can one make "Use editor" the default?

 Don Miller   damiller2 gmail com
Monday, October 29, 2012, 11:10:09 AM, you wrote:

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Donald Miller wrote:
On GIMP2, I can select similarly, but edit options seem not to allow
easy change of text or properties.
They absolutely do :)
Attempting to highlight or select
from text box seems to only let me move box, copy all, paste replace.
This is because you are trying to to enter text editing mode with the
Move tool. Try the Text tool instead.
Actually, it's a good point. Automatically entering the text mode from
the Move tool after a double click would make sense.
Alexandre Prokoudine
gimp-user-list mailing list
gimp-user-list gnome org

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