Re: [Gimp-user] About bad new save export function in Gimp-2.8

The obvious design that satisfies both groups has been offered several times and has been derided as --- I 
don't know why, although numerous attempts to justify the current design has been proffered.

On 9/11/2012 4:52 PM, Ofnuts wrote:
On 09/11/2012 08:38 AM, maderios wrote:
I'm not developper but I think it is certainly possible to give the choice in the configuration.
Yes, but it's a bad idea. Having all the people using more or less the same Gimp is beneficial. The same 
tutorials work everywhere, and the people answering questions in forums don't have to makes guesses about 
what customizations your Gimp has been subjected to (the current situation with users split between 2.6 and 
2.8 already makes many answers a lot more verbose than necessary). And developers tend to make changes around 
the standard version, so your personal config can eventually conflict with a future version.

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