From: Nik Omul <nik-omul yandex ru>Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] remove dust problemsTo: gimp-user-list gnome orgDate: Friday, 21 September, 2012, 5:59David Holland wrote> Hi All,> > I tried to remove a dust spot using resynthesize but I can still see where> it was, although it looks a lot better.I was using this tutorial.>> Any ideas?Here is the original> N08/8007061865/in/photostreamthe> modified N08/8007047321/in/photostream> > Thanks a lot in advance> > _______________________________________________> gimp-user-list mailing list> gimp-user-list@>, David. Assuming you have Resynthesizer + Heal Selection plugin installed (if not,find it in Plugin Registry), use the latter (Filters>Enhance>Heal Selection). You can see the differencehere Selection beats Resynthesize, Clone Tool and Healing Tool at removingeven much bigger than dust particles objects (for demonstration purposes I removed twobirds (pelicans?) as well ^);) Cheers, -----Nik O.Ðикита Омуль--View this message in context: from the Users mailing list archive at mailing listgimp-user-list gnome org