Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP Site Redesign

On 04/11/2013 06:33 AM, Kasim Ahmic wrote:

Over at the Web List I've posted this redesign that I made from Mike
Finch's mockup.

It seemed to get very high praise and acceptance from the users in
the list. Overall, I think the homepage is done and I just wanted to
ask more users about their opinion on it as well as figure out what
I have to do next in terms of getting the redesign on the official
GIMP site (assuming the developers like it as well).
It's really hard to make an overall value judgment on a thing like
this.  I certainly see nothing to object to and some things I like,
but I also see a couple of things that I would suggest tweaking...

At the upper left where it says "The Freely Distributed [etc]" I
think I would have said "The Free Software [etc]", and I don't know
what to suggest changing but I think the text could be at higher
contrast with the background.

I note the doctype is "html" a.k.a. "quirks mode".  Today some call
that "html 5".  I would specify xhtml 1.0 transitional, as per the
existing GIMP site, for the production version.  For my take on the
state of html 5, see the bottom of this page:

A few things to note:

 - Currently, it is only the homepage 
 - We MIGHT be redesigning the entire GIMP website. No idea as of yet.
 - The slideshow images will be changed soon.
 - The background of the header might change as well.
 - We will not use the current text that we have on the body (ex.
Professional Level Filters). This was discussed on the Web List.

So tell me what you guys think of it so far! Any and all positive as
well as negative feedback is welcome and much appreciated. It'll
really help me make this into something that everyone can enjoy!
On the whole, at first viewing, I like it!



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