Re: [Gimp-user] still boring export - save as - discussion

* Uniklaps <uni klaps t-online de> [07-29-13 04:33]:
the boring discussion resurrect again and again, it's ridiculous. I sent
two contributions to the save-firestorms before

but it seems that no one to whom it concerns read it and thought only one
second about the developer's "why". 
Many inward looking individuals with their view obscured by the matter
within their colon.
Why do all the trolls still use this unprofessional and inefficient GIMP ?
Why they don't switch to ADOBE 

for instance? Oh, I know: You can't ask ADOBE for help without paying for an
expensive contract.

So be happy with GIMP and if not stimulate your brain to learn new
keystrokes to use GIMP 2.8. 


The only constructive mail came from Johan 

(Ctrl-E and Shift-Ctrl-E open the same export dialog, which is a waste)
Just noticed that there is a new, at least to me, menu option under 
"File", "Overwrite <original-file-name>", which effectively accomplishes
the action desired by those unable to adjust.  Perhaps an attempt has been
made to lower the noise ratio here.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA      HOG # US1244711        Photo Album:                           openSUSE Community Member
Registered Linux User #207535                    @

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