Re: [Gimp-user] gimp 2.8 brushes

On 05/29/2013 07:49 PM, Helen wrote:
I recently upgraded to suse 12.3 and now have gimp 2.8.   (I like 2.6 much
better, but that's not the question.)  I lost my
personal brushes, but I have the old brushes on another machine.  Is there
any reason I should not move my old (2.6) brushes
into gimp 2.8?   My fear is that the 2.6 brushes may not work with 2.8, but
may override them so that nothing works.
Your old brushes should work fine.  Check in your
/home/(your-name)/.gimp-2.8/brushes/ directory (enable "view hidden
files" in your file browser).  It's probably empty; just dump the
old ones in there.

If it's not empty, you can make a subdirectory under /brushes, call
it old-ones or whatever, and put the old ones in there.

Either way,the GIMP should find them next time you start it and make
them available via the Brushes dock window.



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