Re: [Gimp-user] UI drag and drop issues prevent layer reorder or dialog tab reorder

Von: kzibart <forums gimpusers com>

Just keep in mind, Kaspersky's product is only one of apparently multiple that
cause this problem.  I still haven't found what is causing it on my system (I've
never installed Kaspersky's product).  

Kaspersky, Camtasia, SnagIt and Camstudio have been confirmed, and I've read that TuneUp Utitilies is 
suspected to cause this as well.

Camstudio is promising, because this is FLOSS just like GIMP - but its history (Abandonware, rescued and now 
published by people without real insight into its workings*) is a bit discouraging.

So I still think this needs to be addressed by the GIMP team, or whoever is 
responsible for the common UI used by GIMP and other programs like Inkscape, 
as that seems to be where the incompatibility lies.

To avoid any misunderstanding, nobody disputes that GTK+ might be at fault here - but having a place to start 
from would make much more sense than poking at random places in the source code.

What I expect from one of the application creators mentioned above could for example be along the lines of 
"our app influences drag events $asfollows, check if you are handling $thingtohandle in your software/GTK+, 
as described in $urlofwindowseventsspec".

*From the Camstudio FAQ:

"'I have downloaded your source code and found them very interesting. Would you tell me how the function XXX 
in file YYY works ?'

Please do not direct technical questions related to the source code to us."

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