Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP move tool

Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 18:24:17 +0400
From: alexandre prokoudine gmail com
CC: gimp-user-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP move tool

16 мая 2014 г. 18:17 пользователь "Richard" <strata_ranger hotmail com>

GIMP has basically no support for this kind of
object manipulation at this time, though I agree
that in some cases having a few 'vector objects'
as their own discrete layers (a la text objects
and layers) would be very, very convenient.
Just for precision's sake, GIMP has a backend for vector layers, without UI
(there _was_ initial UI, it was never merged). But the code hasn't been
touched in years, and I've my suspicions about its usefulness.

gimp-user-list mailing list
Take Paths for example:  Path objects do not have attached layer data, meaning that every time you adjust a 
path you have to re-stroke it onto a target surface.  Contrast with text objects, which do have an attached 
layer that updates automatically as you change the underlying text or rendering style (font face, color, etc.)

(I also find GIMP's path editing controls very confusing compared to Inkscape, but that's a different matter.)

-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.

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