Re: [Gimp-user] Strugglign with Smooth Edges

On 03/09/14 18:54, NoWhizzKid wrote:
Please, can anyone give me a really simple step by step to achieve smooth edges
on an image in GIMP? I've tried the tutorials I can find online, but I must be
missing something. I just don't understand how to make the edges of my image
smooth? This footprint is a prime example of something I want to smooth out
around the edges, but it just isn't working whenever I follow instruction I can
find online. Can anyone please help me? Thank you so much.


I think we have a question for you: how did you create that? Because 
it's likely more an error you do than a wrong technique.
If you want smooth outlines, you should create them using the path tool 
<>, then create a selection 
from the path (Select>From path) and then bucket-fill the selection. 
With the path tool, the smoother lines are those created with the least 
nodes, and where the tangent handles on each node are symmetrical.
A path done using you existing foot as a guide, then used for a 
selection and bucket-filled:

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