Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp trademark.


On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 1:57 PM, Christian Szczepanik
<christian szczepanik gmail com> wrote:
I was trying for two days to find a mail from Gimp developers to contact
them directly byt i did't find them or some of them where not working so i
hope this message will find the way to the people responsible to that

I'm a student of WSTI in Katowice and i'm working with other students on
our magazine for students called Artboard, here are two links to the
magazine online preview:

I'm writting an article about where can students get god sofrware on a
commercial/academic/free license and i would like to use the Gimp logo.
Will you give me the premission to use that logo in our magazine? (the
magazine will be aviable for free, it will not be selled)
You can use the GIMP logo, and even sell your magazine if you wanted.
There is no "non commercial" restriction on the use of the logo. From
what I see in the original SVG source file, our logo is under a
Creative Commons by-sa 3.0
( license, created by
Jakub Steiner (Jimmac).
You can get it there (you'll get the source SVG and renders at various
So there is no problem in using in your magazine.

Also if your goal is for students to find good software, I would
advise you don't just name them but also write down the exact address
where to find them (for GIMP: ).
We have regular cases of malwares trying to spread by usurping GIMP
names. So users should only download GIMP from the official place, or
some well known and trusted third-party.


I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Christian Szczepanik
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