Re: [Gimp-user] Program language

Hi Mette,
By default, GIMP automatically detects and uses the system language on your computer. So if your operative system is set to Danish GIMP will automatically be in Danish. However you can change what language you want GIMP to be in under Edit → Preferences → Interface (these entries are obviously in Danish on your client).
Mette Ellegaard skrev den 2015-01-31 23:46:
Hey.I downloaded the program today and it asked me what language I'd like it in. I chose English, but when I 
uploaded the program it was in Danish (which is my language)I want to have it in English instead of Danish. I 
tried to uninstall the program and install it again, but it came back as Danish.Can I change the program 
language to English? Or am I doomed to have it in Danish? It's not easy to follow the tutorials when my 
program is shown in Danish and the tutorials are in English.Plus, I'd actually much rather have it in English 
than in Danish. Can anyone help me?                                   
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