Re: [Gimp-user] Using Tablet AND Mouse together ??

On 06/09/2015 02:05 AM, Peter Pernhofer wrote:
Hi everybody
especially Hi to the GIMP-Team!
Hi Peter,

I'm desperate and can not believe that something like this is possible.
That's why I signed up for this mailing list.
signing up and posting this to the gimp-developer list might have been
slightly better, but let's discuss the basics here.

I bought an expensive graphics tablet to draw with it. Of course! We don't
need to discuss that painting with a Mouse is painful.
It is just as painful, to operate on controls with the Stylus. Such as
Checkboxes, Sliders, Lists (Lists with Scrollbars!!! Who wants to scroll
with a Pen instead with a Wheel-Mouse ???).
No one will throw his mouse, just because he owns a Tablet. In GIMP
however, anyone has decided that we can not longer use the mouse when we
use a tablet?!?!?!
I guess you have also started the thread at

You got some answers and hints there already - in particular that GIMP
is designed to be used with mouse&keyboard or tablet&keyboard

Many of the actions can be done by keyboard shortcuts - and you might
also be able to assign some tablet keys to them.

I simply want to choose a Pen, a Brush, an Erasor, configurate Brush-Size,
Drawing-Dynamics, change a Gradient, etc, etc, etc...
Without remembering each time, if I've done this with the Mouse or the
You can even get multiple styluses for some graphics tablets - then you
are even supposed to remember which one of those you were using.

BTW, your dynamics curve adjustment example (if I got that right, that
is) from the forum thread seems a bit off to me - modifying those with
the mouse and then using them with a stylus-controlled tool works
perfectly fine for me. Maybe you can point out if I'm missing something

That can not be true!
This can not be serious!
Well, it is true and serious for now.

I am Software Developer since 15 years and my clients would kill me, if
there is no Option to en-/disable a so far-reaching "Feature".
No, they would request that to become a feature, or report it as a bug.

Just as it was done for that one already:

The approach was from a slightly different angle, but the issue is
effectively the same.

So what's needed is for someone to design the user interaction for that,
for example fast and easy switching between

  - "mouse sets tablet device settings"
  - "mouse is an independent device"

and of cousre indicating why the mouse is acting that way in each of
those modes.

Then, somone has to implement it.

I understand that you are offering your 15 years of developer experience
to help with that.

We can help to get you up to speed with the GIMP and GTK+ code necessary
for that. Our IRC channel #gimp on usually works best for
the highly interactive discussions at the start of such endeavors. The
best times to meet us there are European evening hours.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD

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