Re: [Gimp-user] Can this gay flag gradient be added to releases of gimp?

On 06/27, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
I suppose you got the RGB values for the colors from the proper source.
(I did not see them on the Wikipedia page, is there a reference?)
I downloaded the .svg of the current version of the flag from wikipedia,
used imagemagick's convert program to convert it to .png, then used the eye
dropper in the gradient editor to grab the RGB values.  

(And I used the dialog to evenly divide it into six sections.)

The name in the .ggr file for the gradient is 'Gay flag'. Perhaps it
should be 'Rainbow flag' or 'LGBT flag'?
Other than that, it's fine.
Yeah, I thought about that after I posted.  This is one as "Rainbow flag",
if that helps:

(Not tested, but I just renamed the file, and did a string replace from
"Gay" to "Rainbow".)

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