Re: [Gimp-user] Can I configure my mouse to....

Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2015 11:45:49 +0800
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Can I configure my mouse to....
From: ngoonee talk gmail com
To: strata_ranger hotmail com
CC: gimp-user-list gnome org
On Windows, at least for Logitech mice, there's a Logitech utility
which allows button remapping. Not sure whether it works in the more
general case. A quick google search would answer that I'm sure.
Just a quick update on my testing with Logitech SetPoint:

- I configured button 3 for "Universal scroll".  When I click button 3, moving the trackball up or down 
causes scrolling in that direction.  Unfortunately it is a toggle not a modifier, but I can work with that.
- There is also "AutoScroll", in which I can click the button and an anchor cursor appears at the mouse 
location; moving the mouse relative to the anchor causes scrolling in that direction.

The former scrolling behavior is more intuitive for me personally, however, it doesn't work in all Windows 
apps (GIMP, Inkscape, and Firefox alike).

Looks like XMouse is the next thing on my test list....

-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.


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