Re: [Gimp-user] Path Tool Annoyances

I agree with Rick. Although this issue needs to be taken care of, GIMP
doesn't seem the most appropriate tool for the work you're doing.
As long as GIMP doesn't have a vector layer feature, the strokes
produced with this technique will be always resolution-dependent, which
is not really useful for what you're doing (i.e. if your source image
is low resolution, your strokes will be low-res too, and you won't be
able to scale them up keeping detail and smoothness).

Use inkscape instead, it will work better and you'll keep the
editability of the strokes all the time.

That's fine. I'll just keep working around the issue as needed. I don't
stroke very often, so when I do I can weigh my options then.
For the work I'm doing, gimp has been the perfect tool. I can use gimp's
features to find edges, give contrast, and many other functions on the
fly while tracing a path. I also have no need to scale up after making a
path for this work. I always start with the largest source I can find
and always scale down from there. Not having to switch between programs
saves me a lot of time. 
When I need to create a vector image, or have use for angled guides, I
will then fire up Inkscape.

It just strikes me funny that there is a built in excuse to not improve,
or fix bugs for the path tool. 
"Use Inkscape"
It's not a bad excuse for sure, but when functionality is going
backwards, I would think it should be looked at and fixed if possible.
My 2 cents.


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