Re: [Gimp-user] Can't open nef images in gimp 2.9.3

* JamesB <forums gimpusers com> [01-23-16 19:02]:
Dear Partha

2015-12-21 12:19 GMT-05:00, Partha Bagchi <partha1b gmail com>:
When trying this procedure indeed, the ufraw soft is launched but it

TIFF image error
Unknown field with tag 36867 (0x9003) encountered

So I think it tries to open it as a TIFF image. Eventhough it still
opens the image as thumbnail, very odd.


Am struggling to use gimp for the past month.  Thinking of going back to

Do we expect to have the NEF issue solved once and for all in the near future,
since this is ongoing for some time?

There is *not* a "NEF issue" as .nef is a nikon proprietary file which
need dcraw or ufraw front end to open and pass to gimp.  gimp by itself
cannot open a nef file.  I don't work on windows, but linux.  Partha may
have added something to his gimp packages to facilitate opening non-open
format files, but to my knowledge, gimp must call an external program to
pass nef files to it.  gimp is *not* photoshop.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri    openSUSE Community Member    facebook/ptilopteri        Photo Album:
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