Re: [Gimp-user] Replace Gold Splotches

On 11/17/2016 02:14 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:

Nuts.  I was re-reading this thread and I noticed that below, I
duplicate the instructions to create a layer mask.  The second one
doesn't count, that's the price I pay for carelessness in cut and pasted
editing.  Ouch.


Another alternative, a bit more complicated but possibly worth it if you
have to make adjustments to your selection, or tweak the pattern
independently of the rest of the image, is to use a layer mask:

Put your pattern on a layer of its own, put your image on a layer above
that, and add a layer mask to the top layer (your original image).
Right click the top layer in the Layers dock, select Add Layer Mask,
accept the white / full opacity default.

Select the gold regions as above, then add a mask to the layer:  Right
click the top layer in the Layers dock, select Add Layer Mask, accept
the default White option in the dialog that opens, and hit OK.

Then drag and drop black from your color selector to the canvas to make
the selected areas of your image layer transparent.  The pattern on the
layer below your image will show through "holes" created in the original
image by the black parts of its layer mask.  Now you can dismiss your
complex selection, and make adjustments to the mask as necessary.  For
instance, if you see a gold fringe around the edges of your "deleted"
regions, you can do Filters > Generic > Erode to expand the black
regions on the mask, removing the fringe.

This method is non-destructive; you can "bring back" bits of the
original image layer by painting with white on its mask, or eliminate
bits of the original image layer by painting with white on the mask. In
the case at hand that may not be necessary, but being able to adjust the
edges of "deleted" regions comes in handy quite often.  This method also
enables you to adjust the brightness, color, etc. of the pattern layer
independent of the original image layer, change it to a different one
or etc., without having to leave your complex selection in place through
subsequent editing processes.


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