Re: [Gimp-user] Choice of language

ferren wrote:
GIMP 2.8.18 under Sierra on Mac suddenly started using Greek as its native
tongue. While I can transliterate Greek, and recognize anything remotely like
international scientific vocabulary, I am at a loss when it comes to finding out
how to get back to English or some other language I am comfortable with.

I tried installing a new download, but simply trashing the Greek-speaking
version had no effect on whatever file keeps track of language choice.
The language has probably been set in your user-specific configuration, 
which is intentionally kept through a reinstall, so that all your 
customisations are retained.
I looked at MacCleaner as a way of removing all the auxiliary files, but it
appears to be a scam site.

Any clues about getting back to English?
If you don't mind manually editing configuration files:
- Close GIMP
- Open the file ~/.gimp/gimprc in a text editor (in case you're not familiar with the conventions, ~ represents your personal home directory; .gimp is a hidden directory so if you're using a graphical file browser you might have to type the name into the address bar or set an option to show hidden files)
- There is probably a line looking something like:
    (language "el")
- Change that line to:
    (language "en_GB")
- Save the file
- Start GIMP; hopefully it's now in UK English

If you'd prefer a different dialect of English, the other options are "en_CA" for Canadian and "en_US" for American.
If you can manage enough of the GUI in Greek, you'd be looking for:
- Edit > Preferences (although I think Mac has a different convention, so this might be something like GIMP > Preferences)
- Interface (second item in the left side of the preferences dialog)
- The top option in the right side is "Language"; select your preferred dialect of English; each language has the code in square brackets after that, so you'll be looking for an option including "[en_GB]", "[en_CA]" or "[en_US]" (whichever dialect you prefer)
- Click "OK" (middle of the 3 buttons at lower right of the dialog
- Hopefully GIMP is now in English


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