Re: [Gimp-user] Can't insert text in text box, draws box but insists on 0 pixels or pts.

On Sunday 17 December 2017 15:13:33 Gene Heskett wrote:

On Sunday 17 December 2017 14:21:51 Steve Kinney wrote:
Has anybody seen or heard of the behavior described below
(multi-broken text tool, bizarre 'pencil' tool behavior)?  It's all
new to me.

My first suggestion would be to remove the GIMP, rename or delete
the .gimp file in the /home directory, and install the latest
available version from the repos.  Because I don't /think/ anything
external to the GIMP itself could cause those diverse failure modes.

I'll do that and advise. Thank you Steve Kinney.
I used synaptic to completely remove it and 4 or so plugins. Then did an 
rm -fR .gimp. An ls -la showed nothing named .gimp. Then I reinstalled, 
which created a new .gimp-2.8 directory, dated today. So I may have not 
deleted the . directory. I'll repeat, because when I opened it, it was 
exactly as I closed it yesterday, including the opened pencil config 

Humm, that .gimp-2.8 directory did not want to be removed, but I finally 
did get it gone.

Then a 2nd reinstall sure changed its looks. Got tools and brushes menu's 
that look more like what I was semi used to 5 years ago.  Now I'll have 
to see if it actually works as advertised. :)  Thanks.

Ok, got a text inserted, but the pencil is best described as out of lead, 
small circle I can wave around to amuse myself, but pressing the left 
mouse button for freehand drawing does not draw anything, anyplace, in 
any selected color, size or weight..

I'll try the paintbrush. Nope, paintbrush is out of paint.


Thanks Steve Kinney.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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