Re: [Gimp-user] 2.9.4 Release-Icons

That's very unfortunate. From what I could see on the Release Notes page, the icons are not that big. Being grey-on-grey and two-dimensional also works against legibility.
Rick S.

-----Original Message----- From: Kevin Payne
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 12:18 AM
To: Rick Strong ; GIMP User List
Subject: RE: [Gimp-user] 2.9.4 Release-Icons

From: gimp-user-list [gimp-user-list-bounces gnome org] on behalf of Rick Strong [rnstrong primus ca]
Sent: 10 January 2017 22:48
To: GIMP User List
Subject: [Gimp-user] 2.9.4 Release-Icons

I have V. 2.8.16. Reading about GIMP 2.9.4 I am wondering if I will still be able to use my Color-32 icon theme?
Rick S.
gimp-user-list mailing list
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No you won't be able to use Color-32 as it's a full theme not an icon theme.

Also, unless some work has been done to allow for users to select larger icons, GIMP's use of the icon-theme mechanisn will prevent you from having larger icons.

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