[Gimp-user] can anybody help me to get rid of the white background of a layer?

Thanks for the clear explanation. I have followed both your ways to
fix the issue. Actually it seems skipping creating a new layer from
visible also works, just unlock the lowest layer which I have no idea
when locked, and then merge till the last, then remove the alpha
channel, that seems to give the same result.

Towards your second way, I have the following questions would be
really appreciated if you could help,

(1) wouldn't filling in the top layer with color overshadow the layers
beneath it?
(2) after merging layers into one, can I still operate on previous
layers? most likely not, if so then what's the purpose to create a new
layer from visible? I followed this concern to come up with my own
mentioned above.
(3) is removing alpha channel equivalent to filling the background
with white?

BTW, how do I see whether the pixel and alpha channel are unlocked? I
clicked on it, but no signs showing that they are unlocked although
indeed then I can erase and make modifications.
The second way

(1) (2) Yes, Losing the alpha-channel on the new-from-visible does hide the
layers under it. The main reason for using it is non-destructive. The original
layers will be there in case later editing is required. Remember to save your
work in xcf format. All layers, masks, guides, text layers .... are saved.

The new-from-visible layer can be hidden by toggling layer visibility - the
little eye icon.

(3) Removing the alpha channel will replace transparent pixels with the
background colour, not necessarily white.

Lock pixels/alpha icons state can be a little difficult to see when using
Windows. That screenshot I put up is in linux. Look for a border after clicking
the icon - see attachment

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/514/original/toggled.jpg

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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