[Gimp-user] why would the input png automatically get blurred?

In indexed mode, the color of a pixel in the image (in all layers) is 
taken from a "color map". Since the index in the color map is a 8-bit 
byte, you can only have 256 colors (across all layers). When you
another image, its colors are approximated with the 256 colors in the 
current colormap. The first victims of this color shortage are the 
anti-aliasing pixels along the edges of things that are a blend of the
two colors in various (and numerous) proportions(*) and the edges

(*) Experiment: Take a blank image, add a black text layer, and merge
down to obtain one single layer with black text over white. Then Go to
Colors>Info>Color cubes analysis.  You will find much more than two 
colors... these are the 250 shades of grays used in the edge pixels.
can start Color>Posterize and see what happend to the text outline
you reduce the number of colors.

Thanks, yes, I did the experiment and I saw the change now.

bsmile (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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