Re: [Gimp-user] Please unsubscribe me from this list - no method to do it myself

See the List membership: lkink at the bottom. On that page, you 'll find at the bottom a section "/To unsubscribe from gimp-user-list, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options/".

On 19/03/17 14:42, Dora Smith wrote:

Please unsubscribe me from this list.

No simple email method provided at bottom of posts to do that. I get sent to a form that I have to use a password to use it, and no means to reset the password.
Nor is any email address provided to contact the list owner.

All of this is completely against commonly accepted Internet standards.

I'm really not going to jump through hoops about it either.

Please just unsubscribe me.

Dora Smith
gimp-user-list mailing list
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