[Gimp-user] how to change image resolution without effecting scale within the image itself using gimp as in retaining the roundness of the moon

There are all sorts of ways to get a result from the original. In the
eye of the beholder comes into play as well.

I would do something like.

Scale original to 1920x1080. (1)

As another image scale original 1440x1080 Preserving proportions (2)

Stack the images (2) on top of (1) and add a layer (black) to (2)

Paint out with a fuzzy brush, depending on taste, the moon, flying
witch, the 3 main figures, maybe some of the foreground. The intention
is to keep original proportions for those.

New from visible, and maybe a little sharpen.

Sounds complicated for my very basic knowledge. I do not know how to 'stack' or
add a 'black layer' and the rest----paint out with a fuzzy brush or where to
access the sharpen dialogue.

I would really like to know how you got two images included with your post;
having a real problem understanding this forum's posting design. Most forums
have an edit button that allows for editing after the post, and the fact that I
cannot get more than one image included with my post is really irksome. Then
there is the captcha malarky at the end of it all; even more irksome.

fenpeppertree (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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