[Gimp-user] Using the Gradient tool

I'm locked into Photoshop until I can figure out how to use the
gradient tool.  I shoot catalog work, and I want to use GIMP and the
Linux platform.  However PS has me locked into the windows world.

I shoot everything on a white background.  Sometimes it's not as white
as I want, and I need to tweak the corners.  In PS I use the gradient
tool, in the fashion of ForeGround  [white] to transparent at around
75% opacity.

I allows me to add a bit of white in the corners by dragging from the
outside of the image to just inside it.

How can this be done efficiently using GIMP.  Minimal steps required
is a bonus.

Thank you
I think you should go for the development version of Gimp currently 2.9.5

Easiest way for that in linux is Ubuntu (or derivative such as Mint) where Gimp
2.9.5 can be installed via a ppa see:


The advantage is most of the tools are previewed on the canvas in use. So for
the gradient tool, using transparent to white, radial mode and a suitable offset
you can check if any vignette remains before committing the gradient.

example: http://i.imgur.com/VzDd7cS.jpg isolated half with a selection for
comparison purpose.

Still using Windows? try www.partha.com

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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