Re: [Gimp-user] No text input in file open dialog

Jürgen Weber writes:
Working in Windows 10, I often select a file in Explorer, copy the file's
path to the clipboard and paste it into the file open dialog of an
application. I find it easier to navigate in Explorer than in file open

In the Gimp file open dialog, there is not text input, so I cannot paste a
file name. Why is this so?
At least on Linux, if you type '/', a text input appears at the top
to let you type a file path, and you can paste into that. It's
possible that the key you have to type on Windows is different,
so if / doesn't work, try some other strings, maybe c: ?

For shell users, another option is to go to a terminal and run
gimp /path/to/file. It will open the file in your currently running
GIMP rather than starting another GIMP. That's how I open 90% of
images in GIMP: I can use shell autocomplete, I have control over
which directory it starts in, and it's much faster and more
effective than the current GTK File Open dialog.


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