Re: [Gimp-user] Blender & Gimp combination in Linux MInt


My understanding is that, in Blender, you set up the external image editor as 
"/var/lib/flatpak/app/org.gimp.GIMP/current/active/export/share/applications/org.gimp.GIMP.desktop". Is that 
what you meant?

If that's the case, I think it's not the right way to do. The .desktop files are just a way for Linux desktop 
environments (such as Gnome) to have information about programs that can be launched (such as the program 
title, its icon, the path to the binary to actually launch when the user clicks on the icon, etc.).

Try to open this .desktop file with a text editor. You should see something like:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=GNU Image Manipulation Program
Exec=gimp-2.10 %U

In my case, what the desktop file is saying is to execute the command "gimp-2.10 %U" whenever I click on the 
Gimp icon.

In order to know where is located that `gimp-2.10` binary file, you can use the `which` command:

$ which gimp-2.10

(yes, I'm using the version from a PPA, not the Flatpak version, so my path is for sure different from the 
one you're going to find.)

Hope this helps


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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On July 27, 2018 8:20 PM, Miracles Happen via gimp-user-list <gimp-user-list gnome org> wrote:


I have Linux Mint version 18.3 Cinnamon (64) bit

I'm using Blender 2.79b (Cycles)

I downloaded Gimp as a flatpack (2.10)

This is the path where Gimp.desktop is located:


However, when I use the function Edit Images Externally in Blender I get

the following error message:

Image editor could not be launched, please ensure that the path in User

Preferences > File is valid, and Blender has rights to launch it

Please note:

1.  I've already saved the image to edit externally.
2.  I verified the path where Gimp is located.
3.  I accessed Gimp as root and changed all access values to: READ &
    WRITE. The execute box is also checked.
4.  I also saved the User Preferences in Blender.
    I need this option for UV mapping which is very important in Blender. I
    just need to give Blender
    the right path and permission to launch the application.
    Can anyone help?

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