[Gimp-user] How to create a layer of only guide lines?

Thank you thank you Rich. The video really helped a lot. The text
explanation was very good, but a video really gives such clarity. I
learned a lot. GIMP is such a deep program with so many not so obvious
features. The only think I still can't figure out is after you have
the ellipse made and later come back to it by hitting the ellipse tool
and selecting they layer. How do you tweak the size of the ellipse? I
actually have 3 ellipses in that layer and colored the outer border
and inner circle.
Not quite sure what you mean but, If the transparent 'overlay' layer is active
what ever you 'paint' is on there.

That includes stroking a selection. A selection can be invoked any time. The
default mode is replace. So make a selection and stroke it.

Then there is a choice, the selection is still active and you can resize it by
dragging the handles and stroke again, or if you have moved to another tool, go
back to the elliptical select tool, make the selection, stroke it. Once the
selection is stroked that is now pixels on the layer. To change that needs an
erase or a new layer.

How to tweak the size of the ellipse? 

Is that the diameter? Drag the handles around to size

Is it the width of the stroke? Set the stroke width in Edit -> Stroke selection

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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