Re: [Gimp-user] Can't browse directories in GIMP 2.10

This is a problem with glib. You have to downgrade to 2.53.1 I had to do
that when I ran into this problem with RC2.

On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 10:11 AM Poptop <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

Although Gimp 2.10 uninstalls Gimp 2.8 there are parts left behind.
The Gimp 2.8 profile remains and if any third-party plugins/add-ons
were added in the past to the main Gimp 2.8 installation, they will

What you can try is:

1. Use the windows uninstaller to uninstall Gimp 2.10

2. If any of C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\ remains delete it.

3. Disable the Gimp 2.8 profile, rename or move out to a backup

4. Now install Gimp 2.10, run it to make a default Gimp 2.10 profile.

If that does not work then consider a different Gimp 2.10 package,
maybe the one from
I'm having the same problem.  I did  a clean install of Gimp 2.10 and
the previous 2.8 install directory before the new installation.  When I
click on
my different hard drives and directories in the Save As dialog the only
files or
folders shown are in Pictures, Documents and the current User directory,
all of
the hard drives show blank and I cannot navigate them.  It's hard to
that one would need to install a different package other than the official
one to get something as simple as save directories to show up when trying
save.  Any help would be appreciated, thank you.


Poptop (via
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