[Gimp-user] Lasso tool not selecting

Hi, I have issues with the lasso / free selection tool. It just
doesn't add multiple selections. I have updated to gimp 2.10.10, I
have reset the tool. I make a selection and then press shift to add
another selection on the same layer, but it doesn't work. The +
doesn't appear. I try it with clicking on the add modus in the tools
menu, but again, no +, no selection. The first selection is still
there, but wherever I click, nothing happens. It works fine with the
rectancle selection tool, also with ellipse. Also the same is with
substract from selection. Anyone an idea? Is this a bug?
It is a slight change from Gimp 2.8.  In Gimp 2.10 you can adjust the
free-selection before committing.

Hit the enter key to fix the initial selection. Shift - then adds. Hit the enter
key to fix.

example https://imgur.com/a/eMuqM9f

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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