[Gimp-user] Image within ellipse

There are any number of ways, some better than others however roughly
using your
procedure but maybe in a different sequence.

1. Open the image

2. Add a new layer, fill with whatever you want as a background, move
the layer
under the image.

3. Make your selection around the subject.

4. Invert the selection Select menu -> Invert  and cut it Edit -> Cut

5. Merge the layers Layer -> Merge Down

6. Make the elliptical selection.

7. Invert the selection Select -> Invert 

8. Cut the selection Edit -> Cut (or delete) and then Select -> None
to lose the

9. To trim to size (if you want) Image -> Crop to Content.

Remember if you want to preserve the transparency save the image as a
Gimp xcf
or Export as a png file.

lorewriter (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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