[Gimp-user] File Saving in Windows

Maybe you can try using ubuntu-studio distro from a DVD drive and in
terminal type $ rm /bin/ping* to delete ping on system start.

2019-09-08 12:39 Гринуич, Mark Morin <mdmpsyd gwi net>:
Thank you and everyone for your suggestions.  Having spend the best part of the
day running tests with a stopwatch, I now believe that there may not be one
silver bullet but that behavior seems equally aggravated by the drives
themselves.  The time to fetch the directory info, in my testing so far, varies
from a minimum of 1:45 minutes when only one drive is attached, no matter which
drive, to 8:21 minutes when 5 external drives are attached.  Though I did not
find a linear relation between the number of attached drives and the times. If I
am re-saving a file that originated from a large drive, heavy with data, I get
the longest times.  Seems obvious, yet it is still true, that my control tests
with PS showed no delay at all under any of the various circumstances.  So I am
learning what not to do.  1:45 minutes still seems pretty long, though, compared
to less than a second with PS.  All my devices seem to be in working order. 
Should probably review drivers for different models. For the moment, will
develop work flows that avoid Save As.

tastethewine (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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