Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP 2.10 .xcf files can't open in GIMP 2.8

On 2020-11-29 20:00, Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-user-list wrote:
On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 3:43 AM Techno wrote:
When I saved a file from GIMP 2.10 I found that I couldn't open it in
GIMP 2.8. What I got was the following warning, "XCF error: unsupported
XCF file version 11 encountered."

So this is a known thing, right?
Indeed, yes. Older versions of GIMP typically can't handle newer
versions of XCF.
Okay, thanks. It makes sense that the saved file format would be a bit different if you're saving more or different information in that file. It was just an unpleasant surprise to find that I couldn't open a .xcf file in GiMP 2.8.

Well, it's good that I can pass the version 2.8 files to 2.10. I just have to plan which way something's going carefully.

If you don't use masks or the fancier kind of blending modes like
linear light or hard mix, or higher bit depth precision, you can use
OpenRaster for passing multiple layers around.

Yeah, I'm still struggling with the issues around where to put scripts and where they'd show up in GIMP. I'm far from doing anything that's actually advanced.

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