[Gimp-user] Export as PDF all messed up

GIMP 2.10.14

Issues when exporting XCF as PDF PDF is all messed up
Installed and reinstalled GIMP 2.10.14 twice ... same issue 
Installed GIMP on another computer WIN 7 .... same issue

Any ideas?

I think I figured out the issue. 
In 2.10.14 I edited an XCF that I had originally created in 2.10.12
When exporting as PDF it was all messed up.
I created the XCF in 2.10.14 and all was fine.
So, at least for me, I can't use XCFs originally created in 2.10.12

Thanks for your replies, and your help.

BillieSnow (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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