Re: [Gimp-user] Execution error for procedure 'gimp-file-save': Unknown file type

A quick look at a code snippet I found. It does this:

 (gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image layer file-name file-name)

So 'gimp-file-save' apparently takes parameters (at least, in the version
of GIMP that the script is written for.

You would probably have to wrap the gimp-file-save in a script that
supplies the parameters for the call, something like this:



On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 2:05 AM Keith Christian via gimp-user-list <
gimp-user-list gnome org> wrote:

Trying to run a script that will save all open Gimp windows named
"[Untitled] - 1.0 (RGB color....." after a rapid screenshot session.

I found an older script which has this command but it fails in Gimp
2.10.4 on Windows 10: (probably due to the new Gimp version,not the
underlying OS.)

            gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE

Is there another script available that will do this, or, is there
another command for 2.10.4 that will allow this script to run?

It would be nice if the script asked for a path, then saved the open
windows with a unique filename to avoid filename collisions.

Thanks everyone.

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