Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP is awful, heres why.

How do you really feel about the GIMP?

Better yet, when would you like to start contributing to the fixing of some of the issues you raise?
On 1/30/2021 6:26 PM, Patrick Duehring via gimp-user-list wrote:
I took the time to personally write this Email just in the hopes that somebody responsible, no matter how 
much, knows that they need to go fuck themselves.
Fuck you a thousand times.
Fuck you for making your program run like ass.
Fuck you for making your program have tools and features that can fuck up everything you're doing with a 
single button press which arent easily found, arent tracked by the undo history and dont have simple, easy to 
find hot keys and cant be undone by ctrl z.
Fuck you for making your fuzzy select tool so bad it literally cannot distinguish between 2 different colors 
unless the image is basically perfectly flat colors with no complexity.
Fuck you for making so many features that a regular person can spend half an hour trying to figure out how to 
undo and require A FUCKING GOOGLE SEARCH on how to fix. Press a button on accident? An hour of your time is 
now wasted and you need to ask the fucking internet how to fix this basic problem that shouldn't exist in the 
first place.
Fuck you for making your program's UI harder to navigate than it needs to be or was to begin with.
Fuck you for building in a help function that literally doesnt work and freezes the program until its done 
connecting to a service that doesnt exist and probably wouldnt help without another hour of digging just for 
the one thing you need help with.
Fuck you for making your "intelligent" automatic tools hot garbage that cant even do their fucking job. 
Basically any automatic tool in this program that doesnt have perfectly flat, clear colors and shapes to work with 
doesnt work how it should.
Fuck you for making your program look better than it actually is to trick people.
Dont think im a troll. I genuinely fucking despise your program because you designed it without consideration 
to user friendliness and being easy to navigate and understand. I literally have to do research to figure out 
how to fucking rotate the canvas in your program. I had to open google and ask for help because a simple 
up my work and wasted an hour of my time. All because you fucking people couldnt be bothered to add one more 
button to your stupid fucking, boring, unfinished UI.
You couldnt be bothered to make a help function that works, you couldnt be bothered to make your tool 
selection menus larger or easier to find or actually fucking there in the first place AND you couldnt be 
bothered to make your automatic tools work properly. This entire fucking thing is a half assed waste of hard 
drive space thats just embarrassing when put next to other image programs.
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you and fuck you a thousand more times.
You should be ashamed you fucking sub humans. I hope at least one person reads this who helped design this 
shitty fucking tool just so you know how much I fucking hate you.
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