Re: [Gimp-user] Debian 11, updated, Gimp 2.10.22 - bad clone tool

On Sat, 2021-10-16 at 21:26 -0300, Dedeco Balaco via gimp-user-list
Em 16/10/2021 21:14, Liam R E Quin escreveu:
On Sat, 2021-10-16 at 20:45 -0300, Dedeco Balaco via gimp-user-list
What happened to gimp "clone" tool?? It stopped working for me.
Most likely is that you have a selection - almost all operations in
GIMP happen inside the selection, to give control. So, try,
none, maybe?
This is surely not the case. There is not selection there. The
yellow+black image border that we see in the video, means it is not
It does not mean that - it's showing the layer boundary, but there
might still be a selection.

(ctrl+shift+a) and repeating again... nothing either.

Check also in tool options you do't have Registered selected.

At the bottom right of  Tool Options for teh clone tool is a Reset icon
you can press, see if that helps.

You can also check you have not clicked on anything in Channels - all 3
(or 4) channels should be selected. Channels is under Windows/dockable

You can also right-click the layer and check its  properties.
Under Switches, only Visible should be checked, and the two Coomposite
items should both be set to Auto.

Mode should be Normal but i think you already showed that was the case.

Also, if the image is in Indexed mode, use Image/Mode to change it t

Also make sure you do not have caps lock  pressed.

To compile gimp yourself you will need its dependencies - a recent
enough version of gtk+ in partcular, as well as gegl and babl  and
mypaint, the last 3 installed into a custom  prefix such as ~/opt/ to
avoid breakage with the system one. has an overview, you'll
need to check out the 2.10 branch though,
git checkout 2.10
after the git clone and before doing  anything else.

Liam Quin -
with fabulous vintage art and fascinating texts to read.
Full-time "slave" in voluntary servitude

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