2003-April Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] refix assert,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] palette fix & cleanup,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [PATCH] Cut/Paste and Undo/Redo crash fix.,
Archit Baweja
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] remove some declarations,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] editor.c cleanup,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] missing include and some cleanups,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] patch commited,
Archit Baweja
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] fix assert on new window,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] remove glade_editor_on_delete,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] Commit -- latest Paolo patches + some more cleanup,
Joaquin Cuenca Abela
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] move query_property functions,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] small cleanup,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] close a project,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] fix scrolled window,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] Commit -- win32 port of glade3,
Joaquin Cuenca Abela
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] fix assert in glade-placeholder.c,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] wrap widget page in a scrolled window,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] confirmation dialog on quit,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] glade-2 doesnt start,
ISkywalker gmx de
[Glade-devel] Glade 2.0.0 available,
Damon Chaplin
[Glade-devel] Some question about the Glade-2 XML/DTD,
Preben Randhol
[Glade-devel] Some question about the Glade-2 XML/DTD,
Damon Chaplin
[Glade-devel] glade & emacs,
Nick Roberts
[Glade-devel] Undo/Redo for Cut/Paste patch, should I commit?,
Archit Baweja
[Glade-devel] Cut/Paste with Undo/Redo patch.,
Archit Baweja
[Glade-devel] Undo/Redo for Copy?,
Archit Baweja
[Glade-devel] glade 1.1.3 fails to build with the latest libgnomedb2 (0.11.0),
Damon Chaplin
[Glade-devel] Re: Has glade3 development started?,
Joaquin Cuenca Abela
[Glade-devel] commit -- 2 latest Paolo's patches,
Joaquin Cuenca Abela
[Glade-devel] [patch, glade3] rework file selectors,
paolo borelli
[Glade-devel] Glademm can now set up a libglade skeleton project,
Christof Petig
Mail converted by MHonArc