[Glade-devel] using glade_xml_construct

todd wrote:

   I'd like to load multiple glade files and construct a single 
GladeXML *ptr.  Is it correct to use glade_xml_construct to do so?
For example;

GtkWidget *widget;
GladeXML *xml;

xml = glade_xml_new( "file.glade", NULL, NULL ); // contains a widget 
named foo1
glade_xml_construct( xml, "file2.glade", NULL, NULL ); // contains a 
widget named foo2

// then i can i
widget = glade_xml_get_widget( xml, "foo1" );
// do something with widget
widget = glade_xml_get_widget( xml, "foo2" );
// do something with widget

Is this correct usage of libglade?  Further is this safe usage?
It is not correct to do this.  If you have two separate Glade files, you 
will need to load them separately.


Email: james daa com au
WWW:   http://www.daa.com.au/~james/

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