[Glade-devel] Window mess with glade-3

On Wed, 2004-06-30 at 01:13 +0200, Michał Byrecki wrote:
I've downloaded a glade-3 from cvs, to check out.
It compiles fine, but...
The main window is displayed in a left upper corner of my crt. The
position of a dialogs, i.e. like glade_util_file_chooser_new are
probably set to display over the main window, which is smaller than
dialogs. The result is - that i can only see about 1/3 of the dialog
I think, that the gtk+ should take care of that, correct me, if i'm
For now to avoid this i've changed:

The change looks good to me since as you said the default gtk behaviour
is to put the dialog over the main window.

Some suggestion for the future:
- your mailer ate the linefeeds in the patch (use an attachment or put
the patches in bugzilla)
- include a ChangeLog
- adhere to the coding style (see the HACKING file)

In this case I edited things myself and committed [1];


[1]: note that I'm not the maintainer of glade3, more complicated
patches need to be reviewed by Joaquin and/or Damon

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