[Glade-devel] Extraneous files in the distribution?

Jeff Westerinen wrote:
There seem to be some files in the latest distribution that get
regenerated during the build.  One such file is gtk+.xml which is
generated from gtk+.xml.in.  Are those files there for a good reason, or
should they be removed?
Open invitation here for autofoo savy people to step in

   - gtk+.xml is generated from gtk+.xml.in by the rule that generates
     entries in the po files for translation and is basicly a version
     of gtk+.xml.in without the leading underscores on some properties/tags.

   - I once added the .in files to some install data set in a meager hope
     to one day pass "make distcheck"; which was complaining about missing
     .in files.

My [mis]understanding is that "make distcheck" requires us to mark all
kinds of unrelated crap for installation if it's to pass - so to pass
distcheck is to further break the build by adding more useless garbage
to the install proceedure...


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