[Glade-users] Software Mestizo Manifesto

Roberto Diaz wrote:
/******************  Software Mestizo Manifesto  *********************
 * This code is **Software Mestizo** meaning it has been developed with
 * the help of many diverse individuals worldwide; no matter their
 * racial or cultural origin, they all work together in peace and harmony
 * in the belief of humankind fraternity.  Using this software with the
 * purpose of harming these principles is to harm the software itself,
 * uncivilized and completely unethical. Please use it only in the context
 * of these principles or refrain from its use if you don't agree with the
 * spirit in which it was written.
Somebody has pointed out that to say "unethical" is not compatible with
the GPL license.. and he is right.. so patch the manifesto please:

 * We advice to use it only in the context of these principles or refrain
 * from its use if you don't agree with the spirit in which it was
 * written.

Anything along the lines of "You can only use this if you're a nice
person" is incompatiable with the Open Source Definition (which is alot
less strict then the GPL).

You can't reword this to make it compatible.

It is what you're trying to do that makes it non-Free, not how you're
doing it. No matter how you reword this, it cannot remain Free Software.

Regardless, this is off-topic for this list, so I won't be posting in
this thread again.

Free Software was designed to stop you doing something like this, and
alot of people happen to consider that a good thing.

Andrae Muys

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