[Glade-users] GnomeAnimator

Chia Benham wrote:

I have problem using the gnome_append_frame_from_file () function.
Basically, I have a function containing
gnome_animator_append_frame_from_file (GNOME_ANIMATOR(data), "buf1.xpm", 0,
0, 1000)
to add a frame from the file "buf1.xpm". The content of "buf1.xpm" is
changed periodically. The add frame function is called everytime the content
of this file is changed, however the image added to the animation do not
change correspondingly but remains as the original image (that is the image
of the first time this add frame function is called). It seems that after
the first time the content of buf1.xpm is loaded, subsequent call does not
reload the file but use back the content resident in the memory. Can anyone
help? Did I miss out anything?
I think Imlib may cache images based on their filename. So it assumes buf1.xpm
hasn't changed and doesn't reload it.

I don't know how you can work around that. Maybe you could use gdk-pixbuf instead.


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