[Glade-users] Problems with lookup_widget()

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, James Cameron wrote:

Sarah Mount wrote:
My widget tree looks a bit like this:


Well carved.  I understood.
Now, I have a callback on_my_dialog_ok_clicked() and in there I want
to lookup the main_window widget. No combination of
lookup_widget(some_widget, "main_window") seems to work (the app
compiles but segfaults).
Yes.  Expected.  lookup_widget() must be given another widget within
the same top level widget.
That's what I suspected...
The way I solve this is to retain at least a widget pointer to my
logical parent window widget, or the button that triggered it.  
Ah...now I thought of this. I already have globals that are pionters to my
dialog boxes, but not one to my main_application widget. Thing is, where
do I set it? With the dialog boxes I set the globals when the widgets are
created, but the main_application widget already exists. Argh!

Thanks for your help,


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