[Glade-users] Compile error when moving code from Mandrake v 7.2 to 8

Kai Hui a �crit :
I've been developing a GLADE/GNOME program under Mandrake 7.2 without any
problems compiling.  When I move the code to a machine running Mandrake 8, I
get the following compiler/link error:

usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb1

have you checked libdb1 is installed on your new system ?
On Mandrake 8, both db1 and db2 are available through
packages db1-1.85-4mdk and db2-2.4.14-2mdk resp.

db1 contains libd1 :

bash-2.04$ rpm -ql db1-1.85-4mdk

St�phane Genaud                                           
 IECS, Universit� Robert Schuman                           
 61 av. de la For�t Noire, 67085 Strasbourg                 
 Bureau 107 tel : 0390414298

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