[Glade-users] Book?


there are several tutorials on Glade available on the web (glade.gnome.org), 
but to start with Glade, you have to know a little bit about the GIMP 
toolkit, or Gtk (www.gtk.org).

As far as I know there are two books that talk about Gtk/Gnome/Glade. 
They are:

- Professional Linux Programming by  Richard Stones, and Neil Matthew; and
- Beginning GTK+ and GNOME by Peter Wright.

You can buy them used at a price around US$ 20. I don't know much more of 
Glade in a book. I hope this helps you.


On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Ahmad Al-rasheedan wrote:

Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 22:22:12 +0300
From: Ahmad Al-rasheedan <asr baldi cc>
To: glade-users lists ximian com
Subject: [Glade-users] Book?

I have a feeling this was asked several times. So, is there a book on glade?
There has to be an easyer way to learn the beast.

Ahmad Al-rasheedan (http://webhost.fasttelco.com/asr)

Glade-users maillist  -  Glade-users lists ximian com

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