[Glade-users] libglade-convert


Hi gang,
I just tried to convert a glade-1 project to glade-2 with
libglade-convert. The project mainly consists of a window with a
notebook the has quite a bunch
of stuff (buttons, clists, images ...) on its pages.
libglade-convert complains about the clists ("widget convertwidget5 of
GtkList is broken.") but otherwise it is quiet.
Beware that as of Gtk2.0 GtkCList is obsolete (use GtkTreeView instead).

When I open the new glade-2 file the main window is smaller (had a fixed
in glade-1) and all widgets on a notebook page are shifted to the upper
I had problems with dimensions as well; since I used many obsolete
widgets, I decided to recreate the GUI part, since it's a nice opportunity
for code-cleaning process. I'd never really do it otherwise, so this
"feature" came in really constructively for me! ;)

Best wishes,


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